well hey there,

Content creation + marketing specialist  

Globally recognized online business expert and often referred to as the "Money Mama" because I've helped thousands of people start and grow their online business AND spend more time with their families. 

I'm Niki

A little over 2 years ago before I had my first baby. I was fine living a mediocre life with a mediocre job. Until I had my daughter....

I was a mess on maternity leave because I knew I did not want to go back to work to sit in a cubicle and miss out on all that time with my baby.

I started to scour the internet looking for a way to replace my income while being home with my baby. 

While I won't go into all my failures and ups and downs of online entrepreneurship... I will tell you that I almost gave up. 

Right when I began to think that I was just destined to live a life of mediocrity in a 9-5 job, never seeing my kids, or trying to run an online businesses that don't make enough money AND was super time consuming …. It happened.

I discovered the power of creation a digital product and creating great content. 

I quickly learned the power of creating my own online offer (an ebook).

I perfected my the strategy of marketing my offer and figured out a simple formula for viral content creation. This formula would allow me to make money online without spending tons of time or money on them. I replaced my corporate salary while working less than 5 hours a week.

For over two years not I've been teaching people how to use social media to create and sell their offer and change their life. 

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Follow along on instagram for insider business tips and behind the scenes look in content creation that converts 

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Learn more about the journey to creating profitable digital products so that you can create passive income ASAP! 

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"Niki is someone who knows how to put together an impactful plan. She has a strong set of skills and has done her research. If you are looking for someone to guide you through the passive income process Niki is your go to person!”


"I couldn't be more excited for Niki's 25 days to passive 5k guide. The content is so simple to understand, quick to implement, and very practical/tangible steps to follow. I feel like she is sitting next to me cheering me on each step of the way. Most definitely worth the investment! 

- Courtney \ Life coach

"I love Niki's content and guides! I have shared her blog with so many of my friends and family. I was a burnt out entrepreneur and tired of hustle culture. Niki is so helpful when it comes to creating a plan to create sustainable passive income."

- Sherry 

Even though I practice Slow Living I value efficiency. I will not waste time on anything! I want things done the most efficient way possible! This is why I love providing so many resources on creating passive income. I don't want you to waste another minute feeling miserable!


Travel is my love language! I originally started my business so that I could pay for a few extra vacation per year for our family! Now we take trips almost every month to the best resorts around the country! But our favorite is the mountains of Colorado!


I'm a slow living advocate! What does that mean? It means I encourage people to intentionally slow down and enjoy life instead of rushing though it and filling all your spare time with busyness. 


about me