get started

Make passive income from home

I've crunched the numbers, tested the methods (like a LOT of them), and built the business blueprints that I *know* work — and now they are allll yours.

"25 days to passive 5k" is a step by step guide teaching you the exact process to start making $5,000 a month online in passive income.

This is exactly how I went from working 40 hours a week at my 9-5 to replacing my salary and working less than 5 hours a week.


Weekly TikToks to create sent straight to you every Monday morning. No more scrolling, guessing, or content that flops.
Stay ahead of the trends... no more being "behind the times" on trends or on starting and growing your TikTok!
Separate hooks and scripts included for product based businesses and service based accounts!

TikTok Toolkit

Learn how to sell your offers on evergreen! Create your first or next six figure funnel. 

Funnel Fundamentals

Meet with me and the mastermind group weekly for direct coaching and feedback on your offers, social media content, business and marketing strategy!


The Slow Living Guidebook addresses 3 large impact areas in your life:

Your Time
Your Mind
Your Home

You will learn the first steps toward slowing down your life and learning to be present in your home and life.

You will learn the three step process to slow down, declutter, and de-stress your life.

Step away from hustle culture and learn to prevent burn out with this playbook!

Slow Living Guidebook 

Done for you templates! Save time and money!

This customizable ebook or digital guide template is for anyone who wants to create an ebook about their topic of choice or an informative guide to sell.

This is the same template that I used to create my first ebook and make $5,000 per month of continuous and steady passive income. Create one great product and make passive income from it for months to come!

Customizable Ebook Template


"I own two, six-figure businesses and Niki is the best resource I have invested in. With owning two six-figure businesses I was working a lot of hours. I didn't have any extra time in my schedule, so I decided to make the switch to passive income. Niki helped me pivot into passive income and pick profitable products. We set them up and within months I was working less and making even more money. Best decision ever." 



"Working with Niki was the best decision ever. I wanted to start creating passive income and felt overwhelmed by the process. 

Niki gave me the tangible tools to start my passive income journey. She puts it in such an approachable way that makes sense and makes a difference. You won't regret your decision to work with Niki" 


With the consulting Niki gave me I was able to create passive income immediately after implementing her plan and strategies. She laid it out so clearly and provided me with multiple templates that saved me weeks of work. Niki is your go to person for passive income!”

- Jennifer

Want to work together? have questions about my services? Don't see something you need?
 Please complete this form and I'll get back to you! 

Let's work together!

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I'll be in touch soon!

thank you!